'bpf2.bas in SmallBASIC (not MS), B+ 2015-04-02 wc=ymax/2:div=32:color 0,15:cls:locate 23,45:? "Enter" cl1=rgb(255,255,255):cl2=rgb(200,255,0) cl3=rgb(255,255,0):cl4=rgb(255,155,0) while k="":k=inkey:wend:color 15,0:cls for i=1 to div c=0 :r= wc*(div-i+1)/div if i mod 2 then for phi=0 to pi/2 step 0.1 c=c+1 x2=int(wc+r*sin(phi)):y2=int(wc+r*cos(phi)) x1=int(wc-r*sin(phi)):y1=int(wc-r*cos(phi)) if c mod 2 then c1=cl1 else c1=cl2 rect x1,y1,x2,y2,c1 next phi else for phi=0 to pi/2 step 0.1 c=c+1 x2=int(wc+r*sin(phi)):y2=int(wc+r*cos(phi)) x1=int(wc-r*sin(phi)):y1=int(wc-r*cos(phi)) if c mod 2 then c1=cl3 else c1=cl4 rect x1,y1,x2,y2,c1 next phi endif next i bpf$="BASIC programming forum" locate 1,3:? bpf$:locate 1,70:? bpf$ locate 43,3:? bpf$:locate 43,70:? bpf$